Welcome to my Blog, where do I go from here?....Well as I am very new to doing this I had better introduce myself. I am a mother, wife, teacher and Independent Close to My Heart Consultant.

Studio J Savings:during the month of March page layouts are $8
I have always enjoyed preserving my photos (when I get time) along with being busy with the family, a real juggling act with 4(6) kids & a wonderful supportive but workaholic husband who works around the clock to support us all. Firstly, I was a Creative Memories Consultant for 11 years, so that I could be at home for the kids. I started with Traditional Scrapbooking but in recent years I do a lot more Digital which I have continued since joining Close to my Heart. I have added making cards and stamping to my creative interest and  I wish to share with you products which you can order from my website.www.creativehearts.ctmh.com.au

This month you can save on layouts from Studio J, along with the Stamp of the month-Happy Place.
Please bear with me as I learn how to work with this Blog.
In the meantime visit my website & Facebook page & or my pinterest boards and don't forget to let me know what you think, any tips will be appreciated along with sharing of all the above will help me get started.

Regards Louise :)


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